
34 | Orgill Case Study A New Signage Package Signage is another area where the Orgill team is using Germantown Hardware as a testing ground. When developing the signage package for the store, the store design team wanted to use an alternative to traditional departmental signage. Due to the way departments and fixtures were laid out, using traditional department signage would have resulted in too many signs that would be more confusing to the customer than helpful. Instead of representing departments with words, the team created new signs that use icon representation for each department. To create less “sign clutter” and create open lines of sight for customers, signage hangs over the aisles and on endcaps. This accomplishes the goal of giving customers clear wayfinding throughout the store while keeping a very open view of the salesfloor. “This approach has cut down on sign pollution in the store, and the result is a much cleaner appearance throughout,” Walker says. “Since we developed the new signage package internally, this new design will become yet another option we can offer to retailers who come to us for help with store design, and we can show them how it works at Germantown and provide them with a real-world example.” Whether it’s adjacencies, signage or some other element of merchandising, Germantown Hardware will continue to be a place Orgill can test and refine new merchandising ideas as it builds best-in-class programs for retailers. “Germantown Hardware is a testing ground for new ideas,” Walker says. “This is the place where we can start with a vision, develop it, execute it in a live retail environment and then make it available to other retailers. We’ll have a real-world example of how retailers can get these same outcomes in their stores.” Category Signage and Graphics Branded Promotional Signage