
Orgill Case Study | 3 Jim and Dana Bundick’s journey in the hardware industry began shortly after Jim left the United States Army as a veteran of Operation Desert Storm during the early 1990s. When an injury forced Jim to cut his military career short, he returned to the Texas community he called home to attend college and began working part time at Pate’s Lumber and Hardware outside of Comanche, Texas. As Jim worked to finish a degree in finance, he continued working at Pate’s. After finishing his education, Jim tried several jobs but always found himself being drawn back into hardware retailing. In addition to his stint at Pate’s, Jim also managed a small hardware store in Lampasas, Texas, before landing a job with Foxworth-Galbraith, a Texas-based lumber and building materials provider with about 40 locations in the Southwest. “I think I picked up a little bit about running a hardware business from every one of the places I worked,” Jim says. “I learned about how you have to treat customers, know a little bit about every area of the business and how it runs. But I also really started to learn that I wanted to run my own business, and that’s when I started looking for a store that I could buy.” It was around this time that Jim met Dana, who was working at a local bank. As their relationship grew, they shared an aspiration to one day work together as small business owners. Just as Jim and Dana were entertaining the idea of branching out on their own, Jim received an offer from Foxworth-Galbraith to manage a store, but the move into management would also require him to move farther away from the community he loved. With several opportunities in front of him, Jim knew it was time to make a decision about his future. Corporate History